Monday, May 21, 2007

Marriage is what brings us together today.....

This weekend was a blast from the past as friends from all over (ok, really only California, Las Vegas, and Utah) reunited in SLC for our friend Erin's wedding. We had a little reunion BBQ on Friday night and Saturday was full of all the wedding festivities. Erin looked beautiful and the whole day was pretty amazing. So fun to be with old friends, laughing about "remember that one time...", and catching up on life.
To top off an almost perfect weekend, I spent Sunday in P-town visiting the fam. I can't believe how fast all the kiddies grow up. They're not babies anymore. It's hard to put into words, but there's nothing quite like spending time with family to help me remember what really matters.

One of the best surprises of the weekend, my sister and brother-in-law happened to be driving through Salt Lake on Friday on their way to Colorado for their summer internship. We met up at Cafe Rio (of course) for dinner and I got to see my cute little niece and nephew. Unfortunately Tyler wasn't really cooperating to take a picture, so you all miss out on seeing his ginormous double chin. He's only 2 months old and so chubby.

1 comment:

Becs said...

I canÂșt believe you got to see our niece and nephew again and I havent seen them for almost 6 months. Not fair!